Tuesday, March 23, 2010




Websites that let you create awesome things are righteous in my book! What's better than creating your very own video games? This site is great because you don't need mad programing skills to crank out something fun. No its not World of Warcraft, but even the most seasoned gamer can appreciate old skool style games. Let the creativity flow.


Fun with MILK!

Play a virtually board game on this website. The goal is to get the milk and stay out of jail.


Draw While You Navigate

This site's navigation is so fun that I don't want to click on anything...It's fun, it's cool, but honestly, I have no clue what it's about.


Code Experiment

A site where people don't just ask ,"Is it possible?" They put there thoughts to the test and launch and code experiment. There are lots of cool and random interactive experiments to play with.


Stumble through the Inernet

-----Caution----- thsi site is very addicting. Every time you press the STUMBLE button, it sends you to a new site. This allows you to there are many fun and interesting sites out there. You can only find them by randomly stumbling on them.


Cool Photo Nav

This is a photography site. The content is pictures and you look at them. What I like about the site is the way you can move from picture to picture. The pictures are laid out in a grid and yo can us the arrow keys, (up, down, left, and right) to see all the different images.


Hommerstar Runner- Hilarious and Classic

Everybody loves Homestar Runner! This site is not new but it's great. It's full up flash cartoons that are hilarious. If you are looking to kill some time with some mindless cartoons or games...this is your site.


Smart Car, Smart Site

Smart car, smart site. You can design your car and and drive it around on different courses. At the end of the course, it zooms out to an airial view and reveals the picture you drew as the your path was traced. It's fun, it's funtional, and it keep you thinking about their Smart Cars!


American Airlines Flagship Site

This is a companion site to showboat American Airlines' luxuries. It's design is solid and I found myself clicking through the entire site to see how the transitions took place. Then I read the captions that went along with the images because I had to see what the text was saying to compliment the good imagery.

Each page or section has a link to the actual website that corrisonds to what you are looking at; There is a link to upgrade to first class in the section that allows see how cool and comfortable the seat it.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jim Carrey...Weirdo

This site offers all kinds of facts and information about our crazy friend Jim Carrey. His movie, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, made him a house hold name and boosted his fame, mostly because of the odd nature of the character. We all thought it was hilarious. His website contintues the odd theme and creates and interesting and strange mood that is facinating. I was compelled to scower the site just to click on everything I saw in hopes something cool would happen. I like it! Out of 5 stars I rate it a 5, but lets replace the stars with a creepy cyclops crow with one wing and a wooden peg leg...five of those is my rating... www.jimcarrey.com


Well this site was cool at first. Then I started to slowly lose my mind. The soothing music and consistently soft, but gentle flow of the site, mixed with facts of our beautiful watery world almost sent me into a comma. I had to leave before I turned into a vegetable. Don't get me wrong, I love to recycle and preserve our environment as much as the next greeny, but it was too tranquil for me. I would have stayed around longer if there was some more edgy material like harder music or some gruesome dead animals killed by polluted water. But hey, that's just me. Check it out for yourself. It's has a lot COOL of water facts!http://waterlife.nfb.ca"

The Most Amazing Site!!!....Literally

If this site doesn't CATCH YOUR ATTENTION, than nothing will! There are no words to describe it's greatness! Well, maybe there are a few. Just read the domain name! You can completely review, understand, and appreciate all of its content in less than 3 seconds flat....I promise. http://www.themostamazingwebsiteontheinternet.com/

Can You Resist the Click?

One rule...Don't click. This site has anything you might need to do on a regular site: write and submit and email, take surveys, play games...and everything else you can think of doing on a website. The catch is that you don't need to click the mouse. You can navigate and execute everything with only roll overs. The purpose of the site is to see how uncomfortable or comfortable the user feels in a "clickless" environment. I know I had fun experimenting with www.dontclickit.com .

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

James For Rent

Infomercial-James for Rent

Bacon Maken

If you have even wondered how very quick and efficient old guys make bacon....here's your answer. If you have even wondered how very quick and efficient old guys make bacon....here's your answer.

The Unseen

Andrew just wanted to work on homework...

Samurai Warrior

There world I am in is a very serious one. It is full of action, bravery, intensity, and the plot is very intriguing...I promise it is...