Tuesday, March 23, 2010




Websites that let you create awesome things are righteous in my book! What's better than creating your very own video games? This site is great because you don't need mad programing skills to crank out something fun. No its not World of Warcraft, but even the most seasoned gamer can appreciate old skool style games. Let the creativity flow.


Fun with MILK!

Play a virtually board game on this website. The goal is to get the milk and stay out of jail.


Draw While You Navigate

This site's navigation is so fun that I don't want to click on anything...It's fun, it's cool, but honestly, I have no clue what it's about.


Code Experiment

A site where people don't just ask ,"Is it possible?" They put there thoughts to the test and launch and code experiment. There are lots of cool and random interactive experiments to play with.
